J's art commissions
Well hello there!My name is Jay, I'm a somewhat still young artist from somewhere in Europe.
My main focus in art is drawing characters, more so OC than any fandom, although I'll do the occasional fanart.Although I'm more proficient in humanoid designs, I'm slowly starting to get the hang of anthro features as well.Thanks for stumbling in here and looking through my art!

About the ArtistI am a self taught artist from Austria, usually found either drawing, writing, torturing my players in TTRPGs, or being on silly little walks with my cat (lovingly nicknamed "the beast").Over the years I've developed a peculiar love for designing DnD characters and their armor or outfits, to the point that I've started developing my own Pen and Paper system (that's currently being tested), based mainly on RP instead of focusing on combat.My strengths in art include expressions, love for detail (regularly on 2000% zoom) and shading, whereas I absolutely refuse to draw elaborate backgrounds at this time.

Terms of Service
I have the right to refuse a commission, should I be uncomfortable with it or feel like I would not be able to deliver up to expectations. I do not need to state a reason of why I would decline.
My currency is Euros. Payment is per Paypal up front. For prices surpassing 100€, feel free to ask for a payment plan.
I will not give any refunds if you are not satisfied with the finished product. You get up to 5 revisions that are included in the base price. If you decide to not take any, but are not happy with the result and only complain after the files have been delivered, it is not my responsibility to accommodate any complaints.
For specific subjects such as NSFW, please ask me about the topic directly.
If you are interested in other types of commissions not listed, such as splash art or pieces with more than one character on them, please DM me directly on one of the given social media platforms to talk about it in detail.
All of the given prices are for personal use only. At the current time, I do not plan to do commercial commissions. Reselling my art without credit or using it commercially without permission will result in legal consequences.
I do not work with AI, do not produce NFTs, and do not agree to my artwork being used to train AI models. Inquiring about NFTs or AI work results in an automatic block.
Will do | Won't do |
Dnd Characters | Mecha |
Fanart | Elaborate backgrounds |
Armor (requires detail fee) | Fetishes |
Anthro / furry | Bigotry or Discrimination |
Couple pieces | Real people |
Can try
Anthro designs, Mecha parts, simple backgrounds (see Full Illustrations in Work Examples tab)
Please note that all prices listed here are base prices.
This means that depending on the amount of detail or additional items added, the price may increase.

BustSketch: 15€
Lined: 20€
Full render: 30€

HalfbodySketch: 20€
Lined: 30€
Full Render: 40€Detail Fee: Dependant on amount of detail added

FullbodySketch: 30€
Lined: 40€
Full Render: 50€Armor / Detail Fee: 10+€, dependant on amount of detail

IconFull Render: 35€A character portrait icon with a fitting border + background, ideal for social media or DnD tokens

ChibiFull Render: 20€ / 50€ for 3
Discord Tag: ivorycypher